Monday, April 14, 2014

My Father's House

Hellooooo everyone!
I thought I'd share some of what I heard yesterday preached by our wonderful pastor.
 The title of the sermon was " In my Father's House" and what I'm applying in my life as I live on this earth. John 14 is not a funeral text and is so applicable in our life's today. In John 14 it tells us not to let our hearts be troubled and to let our hearts be turned off our unbelief and turn to Him. " Be still and know that I am God". Pastor went on to say that Jesus will help you bear burdens for He's got it all in control. Your worst nightmare is just for a moment.....that our afflictions work for something... And God will take your brokenness and work it into a testimony for Him. I thought these were such profound words of encouragement!
This is just a tiny summary of our sermon and if you'd like to hear more you can go to and listen to the rest of the sermon.
 Friend,God is real! I'm so glad to have Him in my life. Glad he chose me to be one of His. Glad that we know that the Rapture is in process and yes I do believe in the return of Christ.
  I have been praying for more Love, gentleness and Compassion for those who surround me. When you get born again you don't have to be like Jesus- you are Jesus.
   So that's what I'm doing friends loving up on these Babies and showing Jesus to them the best I know how.


  1. My church puts their sermons online as well, it is so nice for when you hear a great message and you want to listen to it again to get even more out of it. One good thing to come from technology anyway :)
